

Appreciation from delighted customers always motivates us. We have had the privilege to work with great clients. Here is what our clients said about our services:

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我们的金融机构非常感谢天网科技为我们网站的内容创建和维护. Skynet Technologies一直快速实施我们要求的任何内容更改,并为偶尔出现的任何挑战提供解决方案. 我们喜欢与Rajesh的关系,并推荐Skynet技术满足您的网站需求.

沃尔特·G, it副总裁,美国
Walter G VP-IT, USA

他们为我们的网站提供了优秀的ADA网站可访问性修复服务. 和他们一起工作很容易, extremely responsive and completed our project within the needed time frame. We'd definitely recommend them to companies of any size.

瑞秋Shemirani, 男爵市场高级副总裁.com, USA
瑞秋Shemirani 男爵市场高级副总裁.com, USA


I have been working with Rajesh Bhimani since early 2010. He and his team have developed numerous projects for my company. 我与拉杰什和他的团队合作的经验表明,他们的工作质量很高. 我对他们的技术深度和广度越来越有信心,而且对他们极高的道德标准也越来越有信心, honesty, and integrity.


Jayne Wayne CEO, USA

At first, 对于与一家拥有海外开发团队的公司合作,我们有些犹豫不决, especially after working with a string of largely unresponsive local programmers. But from the first job, Raj and his team have been an incredible asset to us. 他们已经成为我们的开发人员——实际上,他们是我们团队十年来的延伸.

天网的技术知识是无与伦比的——我们从来没有给过他们解决不了的挑战. They are exceptionally responsive and have a great process. 我们最喜欢的把戏之一是, 在我们工作日结束的时候, to provide the Skynet team with a list of things we need done. Then, we find all those tasks checked off by the next morning. These seemingly magical overnight solutions also really impress our clients.

Ultimately, 拉杰和他的团队非常善良, 和蔼可亲,容易共事, and that is just as important to us as their obvious talent and knowledge.

Team EG Nevada, USA

拉杰和他在天网科技的团队对我们的需求反应迅速. 他不仅很快就建立了我们的网站, 他帮助我们在技术知识有限的情况下整理数据库管理问题. Raj has been a real pleasure to work with.

Jenny Frayer, Reno wheelman,美国
Jenny Frayer Reno Wheelmen,美国

回到过去的日子, I created a web site for myself; as the years passed, it grew older at a faster rate than just the passing of years.

终于在今年(2014年),我很幸运地找到了拉杰什·比曼尼, 谁能欣赏我的古董, and politely offered to show me how to modernize it. That was one of the best offers I have ever received, 他给我提供了几个选择,告诉我如何把它打扮得漂漂亮亮,并用现在的行话和我的潜在客户交谈. Thereafter, I made a selection of one of the designs, 并与他讨论了我想以背景图片的方式, sliders, accordions, and the like. 他就如何减少我在旧网站上精心放置的干扰提出了许多建议, 这些对我来说都很有意义. He and his staff completed the new design and implementation, along with several improvements as we went along. 与此同时,我正在整理我的产品,并为新网站准备好可交付成果. By June both the deliverables and new www.chmouse.com site came together, and it is in full operation. A few minor improvements occurred to me after the launching, and these were integrated into the running site overnight.

My product, ChurchBook /数据库, 低成本的会计套件(不仅仅是会计)是为“业余”教会办公室工作人员和非会计教会司库设计的吗. As such, it needs to be attractive enough for prospects to be impressed by the site, 并且能够带他们进行一次短途教育之旅,下载我的程序的试用版. So far, 它正在满足这些要求, 我对最终产品和天网科技的伟大员工都非常满意,他们让这一切成为可能.

Gordon Jones 美国总裁兼首席执行官

I have had an impressive encounter with Mr. Rajesh Bhimani在22年前为KAB牙科公司设计了我们的第一个网站... 我们在全球范围内销售牙科设备的业务蓬勃发展,在谷歌的第一页上占据了我们的域名. 诚实是他的标志,多年来,我开始信任他和他的员工来帮助我们的业务发展. 从几名员工开始,他的业务已经发展到包括定制购物车和搜索引擎市场服务的几倍.

在我半退休的时候, KB牙科咨询业务, 拉杰什再次帮助我在很短的时间内将我们的域名推广到全球,使我能够销售移动牙科车, 流动牙科拖车, 移动医疗乳房x光检查车, mobile nuclear imaging vans on a global scale. 他对我的业务的了解甚至超出了我的预期,并为我提供了宝贵的建议.


Kirit B, KB牙科咨询有限公司(美国)
Kirit B. President,

在过去的一年里,我们已经与pg电子官网团队为我们的电子商务平台完成了几个项目. 您可以在我们的摩托车零件业务的新电子商务平台上看到他们的最新工作, kurveygirl.com.

The team has gone the extra miles to complete every part of the project. 当遇到挑战时, pg电子官网公司顺应形势,开发出具有良好沟通能力的解决方案. 从简单的网站管理, 系统安全(http), upgrading website code to the latest PHP, to replatforming a complex ecommerce website; they have taken on every task with professionalism.

在他们的节目网站上张贴门票是轻而易举的事情,而且周转时间超出了我们的预期. Their communication on the status of programs has been excellent.

After working with other developers over the years, Skynet Technologies has been the best development team we have worked with. We recommend them for most any website project.

杰森·麦克唐纳 KurveyGirl LLC,美国
杰森·麦克唐纳 KurveyGirl LLC,美国

大约两个月前, Rajesh和他在Skynet Technologies的网站开发团队为我们的印刷电路板制造业务创建了一个定制的网站. As a result of their efforts and expertise, our online marketing presence grew dramatically overnight!

间接促成了我们现在从我们的网站实现的杰出成果, is the professional design and ease of navigation. We receive compliments almost on a daily basis from customers, suppliers, and business associates who are impressed with our website. 任何人谁希望使用他们的在线网站作为一个有效的营销工具, I would urge them to contact Rajesh immediately!

除了通过设计改进和创造高效的营销工具来增加我们公司网站的价值之外, 拉杰什一直愿意以超出我们预期的其他方式帮助我们改善业务. Specifically, 他创建的演示文稿,我们已经成功地接近了业务量很大的大型组织.

对于拉杰什和他的团队,我真的无法用言语表达对他的感激之情! 谢谢你,拉杰什!!!

Ryan j Murray, PCB组装(美国)
Ryan j Murray 销售工程师,

当我接触天网科技公司的时候,我确实非常怀疑, 因为我与其他公司合作的经历至少是负面的,但在项目中期,在Aimeos的推荐下,我被自己的一名开发人员留在了一个不可能的位置, I approached Raj and his team at Skynet Technologies.

I have to say I should not have been worried; Raj and his team have been nothing but supportive, 在项目中途接手别人的代码从来都不是件容易的事,在这种情况下,有时肯定是具有挑战性的, 但每次他们想出一个解决方案这是非常罕见的他们部署的所有东西都经过了测试,并且第一次有效.

沟通一直很容易和透明,我一直保持良好的消息灵通的所有阶段. 我会毫不犹豫地推荐任何人与Raj和他在天网科技的团队合作,我期待着在未来与他们探索更多的项目!

我是Kevin King,我是Createanet
Kevin King Createanet

Hi there!

My name is 籍先令; I run a Web-design business in Queensland, Australia.

我做这个已经很多年了,前段时间开始和“天网科技”合作. 我在天网科技的搭档是. Rajesh, 是谁持续不断的努力使我能够为我的客户群提供卓越的网络服务. This allowed me to grow my business beyond what I could achieve, just by myself.

All work has been done on time and on budget. 工作质量非常高,项目总是在客户满意的情况下完成. Ongoing support is always at hand, done in a timely and efficient way. 很多时候,客户需要对他们的网站进行一些小的调整,有时这些调整执行得非常快, and without any charge by Skynet Technologies.

当涉及到客户服务, I rank Skynet Technologies amongst the very best Nothing is ever too hard.这家公司的人都明白,我们需要持续不断地提供优质服务,才能在当今快速发展的市场中取得成功. 我长期从事这项业务,希望能够在未来的许多年里与pg电子官网公司的拉杰什长期合作。我很荣幸能成为他们的永久客户之一,并期待着有一天去印度与拉杰什亲自见面.

If you want professional Web design services, 持续的礼貌服务, 合理的定价, then Skynet Technologies would be my first choice. 祝你的网络企业好运!

籍先令 首席执行官,澳大利亚

我在迪拜工作, UAE, with work colleagues spread across three time zones - India, the UAE, and the UK. Rajesh & 他在天网科技的团队多年来一直为我们提供IT服务. 他们在工作中非常有经验,在解决我们遇到的任何问题方面都非常迅速. 我们非常放心地知道,他们可以在短时间内提供服务,只有在问题解决到我们满意后才会注销. I am very glad that they are a part of our team.


Bhavyesh认可,销售总监 & 市场营销,BICC组件,迪拜阿联酋
Bhavyesh认可 销售总监 & 市场营销,BICC组件,迪拜阿联酋

When I asked a question or brought up a need, 天网科技的团队总是能迅速解决问题并提供解决方案.

我们的网站建在一个过时的网站上, 我们不再维护Drupal 6电子商务模块,我们需要找一个有技术经验的人,不仅要把网站从Drupal 6升级到Drupal 7,还要把我们所有的销售数据从一个商业模块迁移到另一个. 这是一个具有挑战性的项目.

I found them through an online search for Drupal development. 我认为对我来说,是他们的自信和回应让我接受了这个项目.

他们非常出色地将我的Drupal 6电子商务网站升级到Drupal 7电子商务网站. This was not an easy project as the ecommerce module I had built the website on, 被遗弃了, 迫使我们切换到一个新的电子商务模块和许多网站的架构改变. 他们做了很好的工作,将站点升级并迁移到Drupal 7,并设法保持网站的性能和以前一样,并进行了改进. 他们很有条理. During testing they were always responsive to fixing bugs I discovered.

Once the new upgraded website went live, I had almost zero issues because they were patient during the testing phase. 我们网站的下一步是将旧的商业销售数据合并到我们现在使用的商业模块提供的新表中. I'm looking forward to working with them again. You can checkout there work by going to www.pdhlibrary.com.

Efficient would be the best way to describe how they work. 他们总是解决我发现的任何问题. 他们的反应非常积极. I would say the response times were excellent.

更新:8-3-22:第二阶段现在已经完成,我很高兴地报告一切都按预期进行. 我对结果非常满意,我计划继续在持续的基础上与他们合作.

John Southard 南方工程公司总裁.


在过去的几年里,我很高兴能与Rajesh Bhimani和他才华横溢的专业团队在天网科技公司工作. 我们的代理机构与北美知名的国家和全球品牌合作,这些品牌要求设计精美,功能优雅的技术解决方案. Skynet’s work has always been exemplary!

我们很感激Raj, Sunil和Skynet的团队一直在为我们完成网站和应用开发工作,即使是最紧迫的最后期限. 他们写的代码很紧凑, the documentation they provide is very detailed, 从他们设计的用户界面解决方案中可以清楚地看出,他们非常了解品牌和客户参与.

与全球团队合作是一项挑战——它需要全天候响应, 日日夜夜. 拉杰愿意付出额外的努力,随时与我们见面,这是我们与天网合作所享受的卓越的另一个例子.

There are a lot of companies that develop websites and apps. 但是很少有公司将技术专长和多功能性与pg电子官网公司常规提供的服务和支持水平结合起来. I emphatically endorse Raj and his team!

Joe Hansen, President and Chief Creative Officer, USA
Joe Hansen President and Chief Creative Officer, USA

我们有一辆用了21年的旧购物车,快要报废了. We needed a new site, one that was integrated into our main URL. 我搜索了购物车开发者,并采访了几个有强烈推荐的人. 拉杰似乎是最聪明、最负责、最专业的,所以我选择了天网. They built a new OS Commerce site integrating it into a revised home page. They downloaded all the information from the old cart, did a lot of programming to integrate with our database requirements, 建立一个联盟计划.

We have seen a significant increase in sales after switching to the new site. We interfaced with Raj so it was simple and efficient. 他们工作得很好,做得很好,反应迅速,非常专业.

罗伯特•哈里森, 主人,GetHealthyAgain.com, USA
罗伯特•哈里森 主人,GetHealthyAgain.com, USA

我与Rajesh和他的团队一起工作了11年多,涉及各种不同的技术项目,包括网站, sales funnels, 我公司的电子邮件基础设施, and more. 他竭尽全力,甚至夜以继日地工作,以确保每一个结果都超出预期,并保持在预算之内.

Kaya Stanley,企业主
Kaya Stanley 企业主